Our Lenten Table – 2012

Possum is 5 years 10 months

Bandicoot is 3 years 8 months

Little Princess is 1 year 2 months (14 months)

I finally managed to set up our dining table for Lent!  I am very pleased with it, and I think that the kids were pretty impressed, too.  I know I am a little late, it already being into the 3rd week of Lent, but there are 40 days (well, technically 38 days) of Lent, so we are looking at it as a journey.

Here are some pics:


These are our “Sacrifice Beans”.  Each time we do something Lenten (good/kind/Godly/relationship building with each other or with God etc) we can pop a bean in the jar.  We will see how all our small actions add up.  And we might even see how God uses all our small actions to transform us and the world we live in.


And this is our Project Compassion Piggy Wig.  I was brought up as Roman Catholic, but as a family we practice as Lutherans (like DH’s family).  This means that we don’t get to collect our traditional Project Compassion Box from the Church at the beginning of Lent.  Almsgiving still can be done!


And these are my Lenten Countdown eggs.  Hard, wooden and lifeless, like us without God.  Each week we place another egg in an eggcup.

And they are all on a purple runner (well, just a piece of cloth, not even hemmed.)  Not sure how well that will go on the dinner table!


And these are our prayer beads/counters.  We made these together (instructions ~here~).  Bandicoot made a blue set (of course), but they were missing at the time I took the picture (also of course.)


Here’s the table all set up.  Oh yes, as soon as I got out the camera, the kids came and sat around…


Hi Possum.


Yes and hello to you, too, Bandicoot.  (This photo reminds me so much of a random picture I took of my sister around our dining table at home about *cough* 30+ years ago…)


And Little Princess was there, too.  Maybe they were just hungry?      


And one of Bandicoot smiling.  He does still smile.  He just usually pulls silly faces for the camera these days.


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